Tuesday, January 24, 2023

77 and Still Counting


January 24th marks my 77th trip around the sun which was the same number that my paternal grandfather made.  It’s a milestone because both my parents and maternal grandfather died much younger.  I believe genetics from parents/grandparents can play a role in how long a person lives. No doubt lifestyle, nutrition, physical activity, and luck also play a part.

Smoking was a major factor in my parents early demise, and both grandfathers had heart issues to the best of my knowledge; they passed away long before I even started my journey. I did know both grandmothers—although not that well since they lived in Pennsylvania. They each lived into their 80s. I think one died sitting in a chair at home while reading; the other was affected by dementia but well into her 80s before it appeared.

When one gets to my age usually some thoughts may arise concerning end of life. Right now I am financially comfortable, in reasonably good physical condition, and mentally sound at least based on having been back in college the last 10 years obtaining three more degrees. My affairs are in order (although still need more downsizing). My hope is I still have plenty of time to work on that and many other even more enjoyable activities.

I would like to live long enough to take a stab at the world hour one hour centurion cycling record and perhaps die riding a bike. Wouldn’t care if that occurred because of stroke, heart attack, accident as long as it’s quick. That would mean I enjoyed quality of life right up to the end.

Wish me luck—but hopefully not too soon.

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