Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Mary DeWree

My friend Mary DeWree is being given a surprise 50th birthday party this Friday. All invitees have to write down and bring "My Mary Memory". Here's mine.

I first met Mary in the summer of 2001 as I prepared to coach another group of cyclists for TeamInTraining. I'm use to meeting cyclists with all kinds of bikes and cycling ability at these early group training rdes. Nothing in my 4 previous years of coaching prepared me for Mary.

Well, it wasn't really Mary I was unprepared for--it was the bike she brought to the ride. I don't remember the brand but it was yellow, weighed at least 40 lbs, and was a ladies model mountain bike. It hadn't been ridden in years--it probably hadn't even been inside a garage or house since the turn of the century. Tires with no air, spokes that had rusted, I'm thinking that bike won't get her out of the parking lot.

I was close to being right. As I recall we suggested she ride to the track at the Lovett School and do some laps to see if the bike would actually work. That's the last time Mary ever followed my cycling advice.

Fortunately Mary wound up with another yellow bike--this one a Cannondale road bike which her friend Lynn now rides. You see the one thing that Mary knows how to do is solve problems by upgrading. Her philosophy is "I can solve any situation with money or friends."

Mary, tonight as we gather to celebrate your 50th I hope you still have as much money as you do friends.

Your friend and cyling coach,